How to spot Androgenic Alopecia


alopeciaHair loss is something which for many men in inevitable, it is often due to androgenic alopecia – male pattern hair loss. It is estimated that by the age of thirty five, sixty percent of men will have experienced hair loss and thinning to some extent. This figure increases to eighty five percent amongst men who are fifty years old.

Although an entirely normal part of the aging process, the initial glimpse of a receding hair line can affect the self-esteem of most men. Asides from hair transplant or wearing artificial hair, there isn’t much that you can do once hair is lose. However there are medications such as Minoxidil and Finasteride which can slow down hair loss and promote hair growth but both these approaches consider it key that you spot the early signs of male pattern baldness.

Early symptoms of androgenic alopecia include;

  • Changes In The Hair Line


Male pattern baldness often presents with a receding hairline which forms a rounded ‘M’ shape initially. This can then resemble a ‘U’ shape as the middle point of the ‘M’ begins to recede further back. A receding hair line is easily noticeable and will be the first place that you will notice the hair loss yourself.


  • Thinning Hair On The Crown Of Your Head


Another typical and predictable symptom of male pattern baldness is thinning hair on the top of your head. You can ask someone to check for you or use a handheld mirror to check in another mirror as this symptom can be difficult to spot


  • Hair On Your Pillows, Clothes And Desk


Although a small amount of hair shedding is considered normal, if you are continuously finding hair on your pillow, clothes or your work desk then it is highly possible that you are developing androgenic alopecia


  • A Notable Difference In Photos

It can be difficult to notice change when you check the mirror on a daily basis, which is why comparing photos from the past will make things much clearer.


  • Clumps Of Hair Coming Out In Your Comb


Unless you are roughly combing wet hair, you shouldn’t be seeing a large amount of hair coming out with every quick brush or comb.

For more information on spotting the early symptoms of androgenic alopecia, speak to your doctor or complete the form on the right to speak to one of team of friendly experts.


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