Alopecia UK’s Big Weekend 2016

Alopecia UK's Big Weekend was a big success

Alopecia UK's Big Weekend was a big successAlopecia was once practically unheard of. Very little information was provided, causing sufferers to feel completely alone, scared and unable to find the right treatments.

However, over the past decade a lot has been done to increase awareness of the condition, with the Alopecia Big Weekend annual event being one of the biggest and most successful.

This year, the event was held in Glasgow and it provided two full, fun-packed days of activities and educational talks.

Uniting sufferers from across the country

Even though a lot more is known about alopecia and there is a lot of support now available, sufferers still often feel very alone. The Alopecia Big Weekend gives them an opportunity to meet others who know exactly how it feels to go through it.

The condition still remains thankfully rare, but that means it’s uncommon for sufferers to live close to someone else with the condition. So giving them the opportunity to meet fellow sufferers is an excellent confidence builder and a chance to meet life-long friends.

People were also encouraged to share their personal experiences and stories. There were many sufferers at the event who had never met somebody else with the condition before.

Raising awareness of a serious problem

Of course, the main reason behind the Alopecia Big Weekend is to raise awareness of the condition. It also helps those with the condition, learn how to make the most of what they have.

This year, professional makeovers were available, sufferers were able to try on a variety of wigs and professionals were on hand such as dermatologists, to provide professional advice.

Events such as this really do boost awareness and help those suffering from alopecia feel less alone. Not only do they educate and boost confidence, but they’re also surprisingly fun to attend.

The countdown has already begun to the 2017 event, which is going to be held in Birmingham.


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