Neograft vs Artas: are automated hair transplants the future?

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artas hair transplant surgery

As growing trends in hair restoration and management have become a speciality, the development of new technology in these methods have also increased and advanced over time.

What are they used for?

artas hair transplant surgeryNeoGraft and ARTAS are FUE (follicular unit extraction) grafting methods are used for hair restoration. FUE methods have largely been in use in recent  years and, as a successful and permanent hair restoration process, it is predicted it will continue to grow in popularity, as more and more men turn to hair transplant surgery as an effective solution to male pattern baldness.

FUE methods have grown in popularity as there is much less chance of being left with noticeable scarring after the procedure compared to traditional ‘strip surgery’.


The NeoGraft is a handheld device that uses air pressure and suction to gently remove the hair follicles, causing less trauma to the scalp and surrounding hair follicles. It is not a fully automated process so it is still susceptible to human error. The surgeon will cut approximately 1mm around each the follicles (this can sometimes include up to four follicles) to obtain and harvest the subjects’ hair which is then carefully planted within the bald areas of one’s head. On average people tend to have 2000-3000 grafts to restore baldness and receding hair lines – which can be very time consuming for the patient. The new ARTAS method can cut time and inconvenience.

NeoGraft Hair Transplant System Explained – Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)-HD from NeoGraft on Vimeo.


ARTAS is a robotic machine that can dissect areas even finer than the hand held manual NeoGraft machine – allowing less scarring and an even quicker recovery. ARTAS was approved by the FDA in 2011 as hair restoration surgery.

Who can have these procedures?

Anybody can experience these life-changing methods, although it is greatly recommended potential patients seek specialist advice from the onset of male pattern baldness. It is important that hair loss has stabilised before undergoing a hair transplant as it is essential that the hair follicles are transplanted from a donor area that won’t experience miniaturisation at a later date.


Hair restoration and growth results can be seen within 10- 16 weeks after the transplant depending on each individual. The procedure will typically allow continuous growth for the remainder of one’s life (if not all). Some side effects can occur such as itching, in-growing hairs and poor growth but these are relatively rare.

While the new computerised and robotic method of FUE through ARTAS is an undeniably incredible piece of technology, it will never be able to replace the more personal touch that you may seek in a surgeon who utilises the handheld manual method of FUE using NeoGraft machinery.


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