Stress has doubled hair loss in women

General Hair Loss

Hair loss in men is ‘accepted’ in society but when it comes to women having hair loss or thinning hair it is a different matter. Losing hair can be distressing and embarrassing, fortunately today there has been much research into its causes and there are ways to increase growth and prevent further loss.

Hair loss in women has been seen to have doubled in recent years and a lot of this has been down to the stressful lifestyle many lead these days. Women have can have several more conditions that can lead to their hair loss and what starts with one condition can be increased when the stress this condition causes increases hair loss. Stress is a known factor of hair loss no matter what the underlying cause of the stress is.

Hair loss can be a good indicator of something wrong with the inner workings of the body. When the metabolism is not working correctly it is not always noticed and one of the first signs can be loss of hair. Basically, hair is not an essential tissue to the health of the body in terms of nutrition, hormones and metabolism and so when the body is not working properly the hair is the last to get the essential nutrients it needs. The other organs in the body are a lot more important. If more hair loss than normal is noticed then action should be taken. Normal hair loss of around 100 hairs a day is nothing to worry about, but when large amounts are seen on the hair brush or when washing then checks are needed.

For women who do not have genetic hair loss, they would not normally see a thinning of hair until menopause when the body’s hormones change. The body is complex and needs to be kept in ‘good running order’. There are many factors in life that can cause upset and there seems to be more for women than for men.

Any change in hormones will affect the condition of the body and in turn the hair and skin. Pregnancy can cause hair loss in many women but often does not happen until up to three months after the birth. The hair has three phases in its life cycle, growing, dormant and dying. Around 90 per cent of hair is normally growing at any one time and some are in the dormant stage. The dormant stage can last for about three months. When the hair cycle interrupted more hair can go into the dormant stage after which it falls out causing the hair to thin or bald patches.

Once the hormone balance is rectified the hair will begin to grow again. This can happen during pregnancy and is why hair loss is noticed after birth. The effect can be increased with the stress that is caused not only with childbirth but with the change in lifestyle that it can bring. Taking greater care of diet can help to improve the condition, the body needs to have plenty of vitamins and nutrients whenever it is experiencing changes.

Work and childcare has made more of an impact in recent years as more women juggle work with working. This can cause more stress on the body which can affect the condition of the hair. Yoga and relaxation have been seen to help reduce stress levels and this along with a good, healthy balanced diet will certainly help. Fortunately, once the cause of stress is brought under control the hair will grow back.

For some women stress and ageing can come together to cause more hair loss than is normal. Today there are more treatments available to help stop the hair loss. Research over recent years has provided an insight into how hair grows and what effects illness, stress and daily influences can have on its condition. Society can be a major factor as there is much emphasis on the way a person should look and what fashion should be followed.

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