A Hair Transplant for John Cleese

Celebrities, Hair Transplant Surgery

John Cleese has joined the many male celebrities who have had a hair transplant. He has taken this step at a later age and as a result it is not always as successful. The hair used for transplanting is usually your own healthy hair and as you get older this becomes thinner and less of it if you already have receding hair.

It might have been better if John Cleese had looked at the process when he first noticed it was receding and consulted a trickologist who could best advise him. It is often the case that hair is not paid much attention until it is too late. With a good healthy diet and good grooming hair can remain healthy for longer.

Unfortunately this is not always the case as there can be underlying reasons for hair loss. Receding hair lines can be hereditary and in such cases you will have a good chance of losing your hair. In fact as many as 30% of men in their 30’s will start receding. Illness is another cause of hair loss as is medication. However, for the majority of people the hair does grow back once the illness or medication has stopped.

Stress is another big cause of hair loss and this is why it is so important to look after the hair you have got. John Cleese did not think it was necessary to look at any form of hair loss prevention until his divorce. It was then he decided he needed a new look. A comedian and actor for many years he is a well known face to the public and felt a new start would be good for him.

The famous in society are using some sort of cosmetic surgery more and more in the hope of keeping themselves looking young. For men hair transplants are the most common. There are medications that can be taken for hair loss and if John Cleese had been advised to take one of these his hair loss may have been slowed down and there may have been more hair available to use in the transplant. There is no way of being sure without consulting an expert.

John Cleese has been seen in many sitcoms as well as films and over the years has grown older gracefully. However, changes in his life made him look at himself and decide on a change. Any hair that has been successfully transplanted will last but it will not stop him losing more of his own hair in the future. Having taken the first step he may be able to slow down further hair loss with the help of medication that is available.

It is also worth looking at some of the natural remedies. Head massages to stimulate the hair follicles can have a positive affect and reduces stress. Being in show business does have its stressful moments and it has been proved that this can cause hair loss. Over time most people experience stress or shock and although this can cause loss of hair or thinning of hair it does normally grow back.

John Cleese is happy with the way he is and his life but a new image can invigorate and make him feel years younger. On the other side many men can look more charismatic as they get older and have less hair. In fact many younger men now choose to be bald from a younger age as they feel it makes them look more sophisticated.

Keeping up with trends and styles is certainly something that is prevalent amongst the younger generation and there is great competition as to who looks the best and who has had what done to enhance their looks. For the older generation, of which John Cleese is a member, these procedures were not available to them in their younger days.

John Cleese is one of the few to admit to having a hair transplant maybe because it would have been noticeable. It will have taken time and patience for the procedure as there are risks to this operation. Infection is a real danger as the scalp has to be numbed before hair can be placed in the empty hair follicles. If this happens there is then the possibility of the transplant not taking.

Scarring is another issue. The scalp will be swollen and if it does become infected can leave scars. However, those that have had hair transplants feel it is worth it as opposed to wearing a wig or toupee. These have improved over the years but do not give a permanent solution that hair transplants do. Maybe for John Cleese he should have looked into years earlier but then again it was not so advanced or as easily available.

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