Wrinkles and hair loss – reversing the signs of ageing

General Hair Loss

Wrinkles and hair loss are part of natural ageing but for many it is not a part of life they want.

Over the years there has been a lot of focus on skin care products that can help reduce wrinkles and the signs of ageing without surgery. Many women will not be seen without their makeup to cover any blemishes and to make themselves look and feel better. Today there are many products available with numerous ingredients which can tighten skin, reduce wrinkles and reduce the signs of ageing.

Today with more research in recent years there have been developments in products that will help to slow the hair loss process and in some cases regrowth. There is a lot better understanding now as to the causes of hair loss whether it is through genetics or health.

Looking younger is the aim of many people these days, ‘growing old gracefully’ does not seem to be a statement used anymore. A healthy balanced diet along with exercise will work wonders for general good health which in turn will benefit the skin and hair. the skin is the largest organ of the body but not the most important. When the body does not get sufficient vitamins and minerals or is fighting off bacteria, it will protect the vital organs such as the liver and heart first ensuring they get essential nutrients.

Stress is a fact of life for some these days and can cause hair loss. Determining the cause of the stress will help to overcome it and ensure the health of the body. There are many products on the market that claim to help with hair regrowth, thickening and shine. This is not always the case and care should be taken before using. Knowing the ingredients are important, some claim to contain oils that are needed for hair growth. Hair follicles naturally produce sebum, an oil that keeps the hair in good condition and moisturised. However, some oils will only block the hair follicles and cling to the hair which then attracts dirt.

The use of herbal products in combating hair loss is becoming popular and do have a place on the market but it is important to know what is being used as all hair types are different and what is good for one is not for another. To make the best use of what is available the advice of an expert will be able to tell why there is hair loss, the possible cause and the best treatment. For loss of hair due to illness, medication, poor diet and hormonal problems the good news is the hair will probably grow back once the condition is under control.

Stimulating the scalp by massaging will encourage the blood supply to hair follicles an increase the chance of hair regrowth. Hair needs water for moisture so it essential not to be dehydrated and this can also effect the skin which needs moisture or it becomes dry and flaky. If the scalp is dry, flakes form – dandruff, which can block the hair follicles and prevent hair roots from growing.


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