An introduction to Male Pattern Baldness

General Hair Loss


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Male Pattern Baldness

Alopecia and MHT

“If you’re a man who is exposing more of your scalp than you’d like, you’re not alone. Two out of three men develop some form of balding, with over 50% losing some hair before their 50th birthday.

Whilst a cure for baldness is a thing of the somewhat distant future, treatments such as medications and hair transplantation surgery are now available. You probably won’t sprout an instant head of hair, but you can start filling in those gaps.

Most men who experience hair loss have a hereditary condition known as androgenic alopecia. These men have increased levels of a hormone known as 5(alpha)-reductase, which transforms testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

DHT causes follicles to sprout shorter, finer hairs before eventually dying out. It also causes the growth phases of hair follicles to become shorter.

Furthermore, it makes no difference from which side of the family you inherited the condition from, as chances for both men and women to carry this condition in their genes are very high. The likelihood also increases by 50% if you have an immediate family member who is balding. Sometimes, hair loss is inevitable.

Many men believe that “hairiness” is a manly attribute, and that a lack of hair is a poor reflection of their masculinity. It’s quite ironic as the testosterone hormone is actually the culprit that causes balding in men!

In any case, balding men can feel reassured by the fact that having no hair on the head is regarded as sexy by many women. In most cases, men become depressed with their looks primarily for other physical reasons, and blame their unhappiness on the hair loss instead. Therefore, before you feel all down and blue about losing your hair, make sure the real issue is not about having gained some weight instead.

Women are first attracted to a man’s stomach and rear end, rather than his hairstyle. The sooner you start feeling better about yourself, the sooner you’ll start feeling more like a man.

Fortunately, for those who still have hair on their heads, there are steps you can take to keep the hair you have. Topical lotions such as Rogaine or medications such as Propecia have been proven to offer benefits to hair loss sufferers. There are also a wide variety of treatments available including hair transplant surgery, wigs, temporary concealers, thickening shampoos and so on. There is also a revolutionary new treatment available called MHT® (Micro Hair Tattooing), that replicates a short, ‘buzzed’ hairstyle.

The right decision ultimately depends on the lifestyle of the individual. Before selecting any treatment consider the changes you would need to make to your routine, how effective the treatment could potentially be and of course, the short and long term cost. Bear in mind that whilst solutions such as MHT® are permanent, others are not and may require continuous usage. Certain medications can be very expensive, and their ongoing use over several years could represent a significant outlay.”


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