Hiding scars caused by scalp reduction surgery


A scalp reduction is easily evidenced by significant scarring, usually across the entire scalp area. Hiding those scars can prove challenging, however here at HIS we have a possible solution

People undergo a scalp reduction procedure for many reasons. For some, it is performed alongside a hair transplant procedure to improve the likely results. Others may have suffered a burn or skin complaint that results in a need for scalp skin to be removed.

Whatever the circumstances, scalp reduction is a highly invasive procedure that always leaves significant scarring behind. Many clients ask us to help them camouflage these scars, and we have seen a definite increase in this type of enquiry in recent years.

One of our clients is shown above. Treated in our New York clinic, Matt and his team used our SMP (Scalp MicroPigmentation) technique to effectively hide his scars, delivering a level of camouflage of approximately 85%.

Another example is our very own practitioner, Simon Lane. Simon had a scalp reduction to improve the chances of an acceptable result from his hair restoration surgery, following a childhood accident. To read his full story click here.

If you have had a scalp reduction procedure and want to do something about your scars, please feel free to contact us and a member of our team will be happy to assist.

For more information please see the following links:


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